Privacy Policy

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Application Privacy Policy

1 - The Application collects user personal information which are User 10-digit Mobile number (mandatory) and Email address (optional) which are required for providing service by the Application Provider.

2 - The Application shares the Mobile number and Email address to a third party called Public Data Office Aggregator (PDOA) using secure HTTPS methods. This is required to provide services to the user.

3 - The Application collets the user device information such as Device Make and Model, Device Operating system version, supported Wi-Fi bands for improving user experience and for resolving issue related to functioning of the application on certain devices.

4 - The Application backend stores the user information in its database in secure manner.

5 - The Application may share the data with authorized agencies to meet regulatory compliances of the country.

6 - The Application provides an option to the user to delete its account. The user data is also deleted from the Application backend server. Only User data required for regulatory compliances are retained for certain time period.

7 - The Application is developed by M/s Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT) with Registered office in Delhi ( ) and whitelabled for this Application Provider.

Application Terms and Condition

1 - The Application provider is defined an entity which is responsible for offering services to the user using this application.

2 - The Application is developed by M/s Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT) with Registered office in Delhi, India ( ) defined as Developing agency.

3 - The developing agency has whitelabled the application for the Application providers.

4 - The Application provider is responsible for the service delivery to the user along with providing customer care services.

7 - Application with similar screens and functionality may exist due to whitelabled provision of the Application by the developing agency.

6 - The Application includes Developing [UTF-8?] agency's Official Logo in the application along with the Application Provider Logos.

7 - The Application require following permissions for functioning of the application

a.SMS reading with user consent

b.Geo Location for Wi-Fi scanning functionality and MAP services

c.Camera for QR Code read